Getting in state for two presentations

My gym buddy is back and I’m excited, that added accountability is priceless. it’s in a word “powerful”. I have a few presentations today want to be in the right space and in the right state. I generally find any form of semi intense exercise elevates my state.

My first presentation is a seed launch, which I’m doing through teaching coaches & consultants how to price and package their products and services using the Black Belt Mindset.

In today’s webinar, we’re talking about pricing specifically, how do you price your offer? What techniques do you take into consideration i.e. what basic cost accounting techniques do you look at? What is the difference between cost, value and price. I’m explaining that and breaking it down in a language coaches and consultants will understand and I’m feeling pretty enthusiastic about that,

Then is also webinar for the FITBANKER challenge as well, I’m going on to be speaking on what we want to create for the challenge in which i’m taking on the Head Coach Role and how participants can raise their own leadership game. We will look at how can we stand in the vibration of leadership for ourselves and others.

Speaking, and being on stage is something that i’m forever grateful for, and find natural talent and flow in! Wishing everyone a really great day no matter what your taking on.

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