Preparation, planning & flow

This morning, I’m feeling PUMPED for the next FITBANKER challenge, it’s going to be the biggest one in history and as a team we are aiming to have 150 lives registered to be transformed to kick 2022 off as the best version of themselves. What’s having me excited for this is that I’m the Head Coach, and I get to form the team of coaches in January. It also means that I’m responsible for the smooth running of the 90 day challenge for all the participants and coaches! Eek!

I used this weekend to reach out to all of the coaches to create our team before the new year because when we go into 2022 I want to have a nice seamless experience for all the participants. I want to be in a position where the team feels strong, powerful & ready to go.

I genuinely believe in the power of preparation and planning being key. The more that can be prepared in advance (and that can be for anything, i.e. a Holiday, business project or presentation), the more flow we experience

I want the theme of the challenge to be around just levelling up and crushing your goals. I’m also planning on having the biggest number of coaches as well EVER on an active 90 day challenge. Team is EVERYTHING, with such a large number of lives to serve, having a good sized, well trained team that’s all on the same wavelength will be key.

I’m looking forward about what we’re going to create together as a team. So watch this space!

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