Staying in a positive state

Yesterday, I started training the 18 coaches that I’m working with over 6 time zones in an onboarding that we had yesterday for the January FITBANKER fitness challenge. I had a question come up around the pitfalls of coaching – “What things can go wrong, what could we avoid? What could we fall into as coaches? And how can we change our mindset around focusing on those things”

In other words – how do you remain in that positive frame of mind, that positive state?

It reminded me of something I had heard (in a global organization I’m apart of – The art of living) by the two speakers Dinesh and Bawa. They talked about Satsung, Seva & Sadhana. These three words, what do they mean? what do they mean in the context of a coach?

The first word, Satsang can be split into two words, ‘Sat’ which is the truth and ‘Sangha’ means the energy of or in the company of. In this context, ‘Sangha’ is the coaching team that you have and the coaches you’re working with. How can you remain in the energy of those coaches? The best way to do that is to show up for all the challenge calls, be on webcam, be engaged, be ready to go, be open to learning. Be like a child who is intentionally curious about everything and anything.

Seva, the second word loosely translated is service. How can we stay in service? For all of the coaches, in the challenge, you’re already in that space of service. You are serving unconditionally; you’re already giving wholeheartedly to have others do their best. It takes a certain being, it takes a mindset to want to give in this way, where you are expecting nothing in return – so that bit is already been achieved.

Sadhana is ‘spiritual practice’, and in the context of coaching – the challenge itself becomes your sadhana. Taking on the fitness challenge by its design – you WILL be doing a Sadhana by aligning what you’re coaching around and what you are doing. It’s most powerful when both things are in alignment.

Another excellent form of Sadhana which applies to all areas of life is saying affirmations. Strong, intentional daily morning routines are another. All of these things in combination can help you to not only AVOID pitfalls, but thrive as a coach on any fitness challenge.

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