Moved by team

I’ve got a great endorphin high right now because I just crushed a 10km run taking my personal best. I’m clear on WHY this happened. It’s because I’m training and working alongside a team of coaches who themselves are highly empowered. They are raising their game in many different ways and it’s excellent to see! Actually, I’m so moved, touched and inspired by them.

They have all taken on feedback which I gave on Saturday morning, implemented it and within hours; caused a massive ripple across their own teams who having also gone on to create magic.

It’s beautiful to see that this – the part the moves me the most is how to really get the importance of moving from I to WE.

Inside of the ‘I’ , I’m focused on ME. When we go to ‘WE’ it’s no longer from the ego and we look at the entire team – OTHERS , not just ourselves. ‘WE’ goes away from our own needs and towards what the team needs to win. When we look after this, the ‘I’ automatically wins as a by-product, effortlessly.

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